Welcome to the Carer Knowledge Exchange Discussion Forum!

The purpose of this discussion forum is to bring together carers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners to share their knowledge and learn from each other.

  • Discussion forum posts are visible to the public. However, in order to comment, like, reply or post something on the discussion forum you must be logged in or registered as a member of the Carer Knowledge Exchange digital platform.
  • The Carer Knowledge Exchange team moderates the discussion forum to ensure that all posts are consistent with our community guidelines. If you see content that does not meet the community guidelines please report the comment or contact the Carer Knowledge Exchange team by filling out our feedback form. Please note that our forum moderators work part-time, so there may be occasional delays.
  • If you have any other questions about the Carer Knowledge Exchange discussion forum please visit out frequently asked questions page or fill out our feedback form


If you are seeking a discussion group for carer support, please visit the Carer Gateway community forum.


If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger, please call 000. If you feel upset or are in distress, you can contact Lifeline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phoning 13 11 14 or texting 0477 13 11 14. For other information on support for carers please visit our support for carers page.

Carer Knowledge Exchange Announcements
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Recognition and inclusion

A platform to discuss ideas around carer recognition and inclusion, for example, the discrimination and stigma faced by carers, or the importance of including carers in decision making.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Relationships and community

A platform to discuss carer relationships and communities, for example, family relationships and the importance of social connection.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Carer health and wellbeing

A platform to discuss carer health and wellbeing. This could include mental health, physical health, or participation in wellbeing programs.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Income and paid work

A platform to discuss both the various opportunities and barriers that carers may face in relation to paid employment.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Developing skills and knowledge

A platform to discuss how carers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners can develop their skills and knowledge through group learning, self- advocacy, and online learning.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Service systems

A platform to discuss various service systems that carers may interact with in their role, including respite services, disability services, and health care services.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Planning and transitions

A platform to discuss the idea of transitions in the caring role and the various types of planning that carers may engage in.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Specific groups of carers

A platform to discuss issues related to specific groups of carers, for example, young carers, CALD carers, or rural and regional carers.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Carer Knowledge Exchange Events

A platform to discuss past and future Carer Knowledge Exchange events. Access recordings of past events or sign up to our upcoming events here.

Moderators: Frog7009 , Squirrel8720 , Crocodile1648

Research Opportunities

Please add all research opportunities for carers here