Coproducing knowledge of the implementation of complex digital health interventions for adults with acquired brain injury and their communication partners
Protocol for a mixed methods study
Published Date: 1.1.2022
Theme: Specific groups of carers
Sub-theme: Caring for someone with a brain injury
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Theme: Specific groups of carers
Sub-theme: Caring for someone with a brain injury
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This publication / resource is hosted on a publicly available external link. If the full text is not publicly accessible, summary points are included and a contact method for the author(s) is provided, where available.
The summary information presented is based on content submitted by an author or other user, along with publicly available information about the publication / resource added by the Carer Knowledge Exchange team.
All content is reviewed, edited and approved by the Carer Knowledge Exchange team, in line with our Submission Guidelines.
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Coproducing knowledge of the implementation of complex digital health interventions for adults with acquired brain injury and their communication partners
Protocol for a mixed methods study
Published Date: 1.1.2022
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