Research Library
The Carer Knowledge Exchange Research Library is a collection of recent Australian publications and other resources that contain reliable research about family and friend carers. It is constantly being added to, and you can suggest research to be included here.
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Your search has returned 44 results
The importance of recognition
Myra Hamilton, Hugh Bainbridge, Marian Baird, Nate Zettna, Lukas Hofstätter , Sarah Judd-Lam, Kate O’Loughlin
Carers frequently observe that their caring role is undervalued. This study provides new knowledge on the positive outcomes of carer recognition for carers’ social and emotional well-being and the sustainability of care relationships. Further, it provides evidence on how carer recognition mediates the relationship between adverse experiences of carers, and poor social and emotional outcomes. The findings suggest that reducing adverse experiences in employment, service navigation and social relationships are points of intervention for enhancing perceptions of recognition, and in turn, improving carer outcomes.
Co-Designing Caregiver Support Groups: Rapid Review with a Non-Profit Organization
Steven Hall, Erin Leeder, Leslie Macala, Jennifer White, Mikayla Hazel
This review aims to enhance evidence base on co-designing support groups for caregivers of older adults, focusing on their involvement in the co-design process.
Setting priorities for mental health family carer research and advocacy in Australia
This article reports on the recent priority agenda for mental health family carer research and advocacy developed by a new Australia-based network of stakeholders and researchers with lived and living experience of supporting someone experiencing mental distress.
Beautiful but fragile
Kath Sellick, Agnes Girdwood, Bronwyn Robinson, Lisa Romanin, Jennifer Davidson, Lorna Downes
This study explored the experiences of family/carer Lived Experience (LE) workers in Victorian mental health services, focusing on how their personal caregiving experiences intersect with their roles and what is needed for sustainability.
Recognising, valuing and supporting unpaid carers
Commonwealth of Australia
This report on the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs inquiry into the recognition of unpaid carers outlines the findings from 8 public hearings and 143 formal submissions throughout 2023.
Translating policy into practice by engaging older persons and their carers as co-researchers
Hannah Beks, Suzanne Clayden, Emma West, Olivia King, Laura Alston, Sue Williams, Alesha Sayner, Catherine Huggins, Kevin McNamara, Ellen Gaffy , Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research
This briefing calls for the greater involvement of older persons and their carers in participatory health research as 'co-researchers' to develop better solutions.
Mission Australia Youth Survey 2023
Mission Australia
This report is the largest online annual survey of young people in Australia, with insights which are important for all those parenting and living alongside young people, teachers and school administrators, sector colleagues, support service staff, businesses and decision-makers.