Research Library
The Carer Knowledge Exchange Research Library is a collection of recent Australian publications and other resources that contain reliable research about family and friend carers. It is constantly being added to, and you can suggest research to be included here.
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Your search has returned 40 results
Inequalities in caregiving strain during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alina Schmitz, Nekehia T. Quashie, Melanie Wagner, Judith Kaschowitz
This article explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on informal carers, addressing inequalities in caregiving via a conceptual framework and review of the empirical evidence.
Review of remote and online learning experiences during COVID-19
Andrew Wade, Anne Walstab, Esther Doecke, Melissa Tham , Australian Education Research Organisation
This report explores the effectiveness of online learning methods used during the COVID-19 pandemic to support student outcomes. The report also explores the experiences of remote learning for Australian families of students with a disability.
Overview of findings from the Victorian COVID-19 carer survey
Carers Victoria Knowledge Centre
Victorian COVID-19 carer survey data shows that carers have suffered serious consequences during the pandemic including poor mental health and wellbeing, social isolation, and loss of respite from their caring role.