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The Carer Knowledge Exchange Research Library is a collection of recent Australian publications and other resources that contain reliable research about family and friend carers. It is constantly being added to, and you can suggest research to be included here.
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Your search has returned 151 results
Experiences of Caregiving and Service use Among Ethnic Migrant Older Adults and Their Caregivers in Western Countries
Anthony Obinna Iwuagwu, Abner Weng Cheong Poon, Elizabeth Fernandez
This article looks at the experiences of older people from ethnic minority backgrounds (aged 60 and over) and their caregivers in Western countries.
Young adults recount their experiences as young carers in Australia
Owen Walker, Richard Moulding, Jonathan Mason
This study explores the experiences of young carers, an often-overlooked group within Australian youth.
Findings reveal that providing care during childhood or adolescence is both challenging and transformative, with lasting effects into young adulthood. -
Reforming the Carer Visa
, University of Sydney
The carer visa has been routinely criticised for its restrictive eligibility criteria, complex application process and lengthy processing times. A two-prong solution is proposed to address outstanding visa issues and, second, to create a new temporary visa stream. 5 recommendations are provided.
One in six young Australians in carer role
Australian National University
This article reports on a survey by the Australian National University found that over 16% of young Australians aged 16-17 years old care for someone with a long-term condition, with young male carers making up more than half of this group.
Generation Survey - What Young Australia Thinks
Ben Edwards, Kate Doery, Jessica Arnup, Intifar Chowdhury, Daniel Edwards, Kylie Hillman
The Generation Study is national study led by the Australian National University (ANU) where students are surveyed about to better understand contemporary experiences of young Australians both within the school environment and outside education. The ten-year study aims to capture trends about career interests and post-school plans.
The challenge of identifying young carers in the US: how state laws put families at risk for separation
Andrea Faith Kalvesmaki, Katherine E.M. Miller, Emma Armstrong-Carter, Feylyn Lewis, Regina A. Shih, Elizabeth Olson, Melinda S. Kavanaugh , International Journal of care and caring
The article discusses the difficulties in identifying young carers in the US and how state laws can inadvertently put families at risk of separation.
A scoping review of barriers to accessing aged care services for older adults from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia
Anthony Obinna Iwuagwu, Abner Weng Cheong Poon, Elizabeth Fernandez
The ageing population of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) individuals in Australia is growing due to the ageing of early migrants and increased family reunification. This scoping review examined research on barriers to aged care services for CALD older adults using the Access to Care Framework’s five dimensions: availability, accessibility, accommodation, affordability, and acceptability.
Integrating community and family aged care
Shuang Liu, Nancy A. Pachana, Kumchong Lee, Mary Ann Geronimo, Sunil Bhar
Based on the findings from 100 interviews with carer, we make six recommendations for service providers and policymakers in the aged care sector to consider implementing in practice and policymaking to support family carers of older CALD people and older CALD community in Australia.
A narrative review of community wellbeing programmes and the reported outcomes for young carers
Jennifer Bibb, Samuel McMaster, Victoria J. Palmer
This review aims to identify targeted community programmes that support the mental health and social wellbeing of young carers and their outcomes through the academic literature.
Patient Caregiver Perspectives on Accessing Language Interpretation in a Pediatric Emergency Department
Emily A. Hartford, Nicholas Dimenstein, Barry Dwight , K. Casey Lion
This article highlights the challenges faced by patients and caregivers who speak a language other than English (LOE) in pediatric emergency departments (ED).